Hi Rachid,
You can download the beta version now which should fix it:
If this still does not fix your issue, it sounds like you may have a separate problem. If you can give as much detail as possible about exactly what you are trying to do and exactly what you see, this would help us to assist you. Also if you can send your log file in this will help. You can find it by going to the Preferences and clicking Find Log File.
Jaksta Support
it's been over three days i've sent you my Log file and 2 screen shot, i'm waiting a solution for my problem and sorry for my bad english
Hi Rachid,
Sorry for the delay. I just replied to your email.
The newest version is 1.3.6 which you can get from here:
Make sure you install and run the new version from your Applications folder. If you have another version of it somewhere else, this may be older. You can always go to the menu and choose About Jaksta Music Miner to see the version number.
If you still see the same problem with version 1.3.6, can you send us the log file again?
Jaksta Support
it's been over a week since my problem persists, please help
Hi Rachid,
Thanks for the log. This looks like something new - I will get back to you soon.
Jaksta Support
is Jaksta now ready for El Capitan? Yes or no? Cheers
Dave, yes Jaksta and Jaksta Music Miner are ready for El Capitan - the issue that Rachid is seeing is a separate one that is not obviously caused by El Capitan.
Rachid, I got your email thanks very much. In your home folder there should be a file named "JakstaConfigDaemon.log" which is created there when Jaksta Music Miner fails to start properly. Are you able to send this to us? This contains different information from the standard log file.
Jaksta Support
there is no "JakstaConfigDaemon.log" on my mac
it's been 21 days that I have opened the ticket, my problem is still not resolved ????
Hi Rachid/Ian,
We've now got a beta version that should hopefully fix this issue:
Let us know if this version 1.3.7 helps or if you still have problems.
Jaksta Support
Now it work :)
thank you so much for your work :)
Hassan Benyess
Hi, Jaskta Music Miner does not run on El Capitan, any idea ?