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Were are the songs?

I opened Music Miner. It Says it downloaded music from u-tube. Also says it sent the music to iTunes. Great!Now, can you tell me where the files are? iTunes can't find the music. nor can rind it anywhere outside of music miner.

1 Comment

Hi Steven,

Sorry for the delay.

If you right click (or Control-click) on the file in the list, you can choose Show in Finder. This will show you the location of the downloaded file on disk.

If you cannot find the music in iTunes at all, can you try dragging it directly from Finder into your music list in iTunes? Does it appear?

Can you try playing the music file by double clicking on it in Finder? Does it play?

If you find that iTunes does not accept or play the file, can you send you log file to us? You can find it by going to the Preferences and clicking Find Log File.



Jaksta Support

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