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Is there a new beta of Jaksta media recorder that works with iMac Ventura 13.0?

Is there a new beta of Jaksta media recorder that works with iMac Ventura 13.0?

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I'd like to know, is there going to be a Mac version of Media Recorder going froward? Has Apple thrown made it impossible to do what Media Recorder was doing under the hood?

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It says it on the download page. You'll need to use a windows emulator to use Jaksta. Clicking download pulls an exe down. I don't understand why there's no word from anyone on this. They continue to advertise a Mac version on the site but the download page is the only place I can find reference to it. I keep thinking that I must be missing something. That no one would just not inform their customers of what's going on like that. 

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Yes, it's like the company is run by a robot that has it's tasks, but communicating with its customers isn't one of them.  I've been using Jaksta on my Mac for around a decade.  Suddenly it just stops working on Brave, and the only upgrade versions require that I run them on a Windows emulator?!  I mean...that's not the product I paid for, and I certainly was never told I'd have to buy Parallels. 

If it's some OS thing that's outside Jaksta's control, I get it, but, if so, why not just say that. USE YOUR WORDS, Jaksta. Just pretending it isn't happening is sad behavior in a child, let a lone a damned company.  I see people have been posting about this for 3 months now, and all they get from the company whose product they've purchased is silence?  Would it really kill you just to give an update?  Like, I dunno...acknowledge your customers' existence?

Any reasonably adjusted human knows perfectly well that silence will just alienate and anger people.  There must be SOME reasonably adjusted humans working at your company...right?  Somebody?  One of you?  Just one?


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My experience with Jaksta support is that it is very lame. My guess is that the company is only a part time endeavor for the owners / developers. Apple has shut off access to libpcap so the Jaksta developers have to figure out another way to intercept video traffic. I can see that Apple is probably thinking libpcap is a great way for nefarious developers to snoop or create Man-In-The-Middle malware so they have shut it out. As an aside I am concerned about that Jaksta could have been snooping, so it is probably a lot safer to use it in a VM anyway. Here is a Wikipedia article about libcap if you don't know what it is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pcap

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