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Connections issues after turning Jaktsa on

I to have this same problem. I have followed the instructions from Liam.

Imac - Big Sur 11.3.1


I do not have the applian.com certificate.

Potential outcomes:

  • Everything looks to be in order and no changes are needed - we can try something else to resolve the issue EVERYTHING LOOKS TO BE IN ORDER
  • You change the Trust properties of the certificate to 'Always Trust' - try running Jaksta again and see if it works WHERE DO I MAKE THIS CHANGE?
  • The applian.com certificate is not listed - I can then provide instructions for you to generate one. Please provide appliance.com certificate


1 Comment

Hi Chihawks,

Can you please try the following:
  1. Run Jaksta Media Recorder and make sure the monitoring is ON
  2. In a browser go to: http://localhost:3129/jaksta.cer

    • Firefox is recommended

  3. An option should appear to save the certificate (see image below)
  4. Click OK and the certificate should appear in Keychain Access

Hopefully at that point it will start working normally again. Please let me know if that is not the case.



Jaksta Support

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