Oh, and Jaksta Media Recorder Version 2.2.5 (272)
Hi Stéphane,
Currently we do not have any features that allow for separate audio, video etc. files to be combined into one.
I am having a hard time accessing that video for testing, as it is geo-blocked.
However, I was able to download it using the URL bar in Jaksta Media Recorder. The end file had audio and video, but no subtitles.
While this method does take longer than the normal auto-capture method, it does work.
Jaksta Support
OK, thanks for your answer, Liam. I particularly liked Jaksta precisely because of its ability to download subtitles. Most videos from https://www.arte.tv/fr are available with subs, and it would be a pity not to be able to download them with Jaksta, anymore.
Is this feature likely to become available again soon, please?
Hi Stéphane,
Hard to say. Jaksta was never developed to specifically get subtitles in a stream. It just kind of grabs what it can see and then combines it all together. If it's not getting subtitles anymore then it's likely because the site changed its streaming protocols, which then effects what Jaksta can see and capture. This is a hard thing to account for.
We'll have to wait and see if the ability ever comes back.
Jaksta Support
I am struggling to download videos from the arte.tv website as they download in three separate files (picture, sound, subs?) and it is a mess.
I use a 2014 macbook Air on on High Sierra. Any suggestion please?