I can confirm there is this issue with Big Sur 11.1 and Jaksta 2.2.6 (293) with a certificate warning in web browser (tested with Safari and Chrome)
From my experience of a clean install of Big Sur and Jaksta you need to change the *applian.com certificate to trusted in Keychain access. Make sure this is in the "system" entry for certificates rather than the "login"
Once set to trusted Jaksta works fine.
I'm currently running JMR 2.25, did have to change applied.com in my keychain. It working find.
One note, you mention Jaksta 2.2.6. I don't show it's available.
Hi Tiger21,
Thanks for you report. It lines up with our recent findings on this issue, although we still aren't certain what the initial cause of the problem is. We are still working on that.
James - are you still having some kind of problems with Big Sur? If it's still the conversion speeds that are an issue for you then please see my last post in this thread and then let me know if there are any discrepancies from your testing. Also, the V2.2.6 that Tiger21 is referring to would be the beta version that some of our users are running. It is not publicly available to download from our site, but if you would like to update to it then you can download the installer here - https://download.shedworx.com/jaksta/beta/2.2.6_293/JakstaMediaRecorder.pkg
When you first attempt to run the installer you may receive a Mac OS notification saying that it can't be opened because it cannot be checked for malicious software. Click 'OK' and then go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General and click on 'Open Anyway' down the bottom. It will either run the installer or another similar notification as the first will appear and you just need to click 'Open' and then the installer will run.
Jaksta Support
James Coffey
It has been almost a week since the office version has been release. I currently, running Big Sur and I'm still getting the same problem I had with the beta version,
When will there be an updated version of Jaksta Media Record be release. The last version 2.25 was release in 2018. I think time for an updated version since we are about to go into 2021