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Error message

Apple version is no longer capable of downloading videos from websites like YouTube and chaturbate. Pls advise. Thank you.

Hi Wing,

To start with it would good if you could install our latest beta and see if that helps things.

You can download the installer here - https://download.shedworx.com/jaksta/beta/2.2.6_293/JakstaMediaRecorder.pkg

When you first attempt to run the installer you will receive a Mac OS notification saying that it can't be opened because it cannot be checked for malicious software. Click 'OK' and then go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General and click on 'Open Anyway' down the bottom. It will either run the installer or another similar notification as the first will appear and you just need to click 'Open' and then the installer will run.

If the problems continue then you will need to send us a clean log file for each site that has issues.

To get a clean log, you will need to do the following:

  • Open Jaksta Media Recorder (JMR)
  • Go to Preferences > General > Find Log File
    • This will open a Finder window that needs to remain open for the remainder of the process
  • Quit JMR
  • Delete the log file in the Finder window
  • Reopen JMR 
    • This will automatically generate a new log file in the Finder window
  • Run one test capture on the problem site/stream
  • Quit JMR once it fails and/or the error is reproduced
  • Source the new log file in the Finder window and then attach it here (don't copy and paste the code in it - send the file itself)



Jaksta Support

please find the log file to identify downloading problems



Hi Wing,

Looking at your log file I think the issue is that you have your download and conversion destinations set to an external drive that is not currently accessible or recognizable.

Try changing these locations to local folders and then run some new tests.

If the problem continues can you perform a full reinstall and then do another round of tests. If there is a break in the programs processes then a full reset should reset them.

What you will need to do is delete the app (uninstall) from Applications instead of just reinstalling over it. Then in Finder go to the top menu and then access Go > (holding one of shift/alt/control/command) Library > Application Support > Jaksta Media Recorder and delete that folder (NOTE: doing this will erase your library file list in Jaksta, but your downloaded/converted files will remain intact in their destination folders). Reboot the Mac and then do a reinstall of the latest beta (https://download.shedworx.com/jaksta/beta/2.2.6_293/JakstaMediaRecorder.pkg) and it will generate a new copy of the deleted folder and the application files.

At this point please generate another, new clean log file using the instructions I provided previously.



Jaksta Support

Thanks for the support. It works after taking away the external drive. But the problem now is, unlike before, it can only make 50% storage of what was captured. Can anything be done about it? Thank you!

Hi Wing,

Are you saying that the captured file only contains 50% of the content of the original video/stream?

If that is the case it suggests that you are running Jaksta in Demo mode, and you should only need to re-activate it to get full downloads.

Send through another clean log file if that's not the issue and I will take a look.



Jaksta Support

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