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yiihuu.cc file download error

Trying to download my tutorials from Yiihuu but Jaksta is giving me an error:

"Unable to retrieve decryption key"

Also, I tried the beta version 2.2.6 (288) with no success

Hi Jesse,

It might be best if you send us through a clean log file.

To get a clean log, you will need to do the following:

  • Open Jaksta Media Recorder (JMR)
  • Go to Preferences > General > Find Log File
    • This will open a Finder window that needs to remain open for the remainder of the process
  • Quit JMR
  • Delete the log file in the Finder window
  • Reopen JMR 
    • This will automatically generate a new log file in the Finder window
  • Run one test capture on the problem site/stream
  • Quit JMR once it fails and/or the error is reproduced
  • Source the new log file in the Finder window and then attach it here (don't copy and paste the code in it - send the file itself)



Jaksta Support



Hi Jesse,

After looking at the log file we have determined that unfortunately there is not much we can do. To develop a solution would require bypassing security that the site/service provider has implemented, and that would not be legal.

My only suggestion would be to try using our (or another) Screen Recorder application. The downside is that you will need to record the content in real time, which is not nearly as practical or convenient as the stream capture process used in the Media Recorder.



Jaksta Support

Thanks for checking

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