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use of VPN and/or Firefox Privacy Badger

 I am considering getting a VPN like Nord or Express for added online security.  However, I DO NOT want to jeopardize the functioning of my Jaksta software (e.g. Media/Video & Music).  Can you please advise as to whether this might be an issue if I get a VPN service?

Similarly, would Privacy Badger for Firefox disrupt my Jaksta products?

Thank you!

jim wood

Hi Jim,

We can't guarantee that Jaksta will or won't work with certain VPNs, but based on my own experience it can go both ways.

The way Jaksta functions is by implementing it's own proxy settings while the monitoring is turned ON, so it stands to reason that running a VPN could cause conflicts as it also configures proxy settings.

There have been reports in some cases where Jaksta does not work while a VPN is running. On the flip side, I run a VPN called IPVaniish that has always gotten on pretty well with Jaksta and I don't really recall having any problems.

My only suggestion is to trial any VPNs you might be interested in alongside Jaksta and try and find one that works.

Regarding the Privacy Badger service, I cannot say. I'm not very familiar with it and don't know how it operates, but again the only way to really know is to test it (ideally in free/trial/demo mode) and find out.

Sorry I can't help in a more concrete way.



Jaksta Support

Thanks Liam!  It's important to me that my Jaksta products work as intended, so I may just steer clear of all that, unless I find something that I can turn on/off when needing to use Jaksta...

Hi Jim,

That's fair enough. It's not worth the bother unless it all works well together.

Like I said, I use one called IPVanish that I can vouch for. I don't know how it stacks up against other VPN's, but I've had a good run with it.



Jaksta Support

Hi Liam,

I’ve been having a particular issue with the video capture part…specifically, the sound/voice does not match the visual/video.  It starts out okay but quickly deteriorates such the the sound and visual do not match.



Hi Jim,

Do you mean to say that the audio and video our out of sync in your downloaded file? And can you clarify which download mechanism you are using in Jaksta? I'm assuming it is the normal/default streaming capture mode and not via the URL downloader bar up the top.

And is the problem occurring with all captured videos from all sites? Make sure to test a few downloads from different sites and also using different browsers.



Jaksta Support

So, I just tested, and this is consistent with previous experience, using the default streaming capture mode, I have not sync issues with most other videos.  But where I do have issues is when capturing from one site.  Unlike other captures, when doing so from this site (Psychwire) it always captures with 3 (usually) downloads...each involving increasing degrees of memory.  The simplest form runs on the VLC player; the others are running on the mac QuickTime player.  The QuickTime captures the closed caption info with the VLC doesn't.  The QuickTime is better quality.  So again, it is an issue on this one site where the visual/video is out of sync with the sound/audio.

Hi Liam,

Not sure you got my reply…I messaged back about a week ago.

The problem doesn’t seem to run across videos that I capture, like on YouTube and such.  It seems related to a set of videos for one platform used for training.  I notice for one thing that when I run the capture program it records the same segment in like 3 different degrees of detail (I see that the memory involved in each is progressively more…the greater memory capturing more features, like closed captioning and such).  The way it usually plays back, though not always so, is that after 5-10 seconds of playback I notice something like a hiccup in the video.  After that the audio and visual aspects are no longer in sync.

Can you help?


Hi Jim,

Sorry for my delayed reply.

As it is specific to the one site it's possible that they have implemented something to cause the sync issues and spoil the capture. Hard to say for sure though.

The best thing to do would be to generate and send through a clean log file.

To get a clean log, you will need to do the following:

  • Open Jaksta Media Recorder (JMR)
  • Go to Preferences > General > Find Log File
    • This will open a Finder window that needs to remain open for the remainder of the process
  • Quit JMR
  • Delete the log file in the Finder window
  • Reopen JMR 
    • This will automatically generate a new log file in the Finder window
  • Run one test capture on the problem site/stream
  • Quit JMR once it fails and/or the error is reproduced
  • Source the new log file in the Finder window and then attach it here (don't copy and paste the code in it - send the file itself)



Jaksta Support

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