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Problems After Installing Mac Catalina

Just installed Mac Catalina.  The "Play" and "Send to iTunes" buttons are all grayed out, even on a recording just made. When I try to open/play the files directly from the file specifying Jaksta Media Recorder as the application I get message "Jaksta Media Recorder cannot open files in the “MPEG-4 movie” format." or "MPEG-2 Transport Stream” format".  They play OK using VLC

Hi Rod,

Can you please try installing our latest beta which should be compatible with Mac OS Catalina.

You can download the installer here: https://download.shedworx.com/jaksta/beta/2.2.6_288/JakstaMediaRecorder.pkg

When you try to run the installer you will likely receive a security notice saying that it is not permitted to run. Click OK and then go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General and then down the bottom click the 'Open Anyway' button. It should then run normally.

Once it is installed and you open it, click 'Allow' for any notices that come up requesting permission for Jaksta to configure other programs. This is how you allow it to send files to the new Music and TV apps that replaced iTunes.

Please let me know if you have any other issues.



Jaksta Support

Hello Liam,

I still have the problem, although the program did and still does satisfactorily record videos, which is the important function.  The issues are in regard to playback using the Jaksta program.  The left column shows the three functions, PLAY, SEND TO iTUNES & DELETE.  PLAY & SEND TO iTunes are grayed out, only delete is operational.  If I right click on the line item in the Jaksta program and select “PLAY" the file opens in Quick Time Player or VLC.  If I navigate the the actual recorded file and try to open the file using the Jaksta program I get the message "The document “Video Episode 2 Watch The Durrells in Corfu Online PBS Video.ts” could not be opened. Jaksta Media Recorder cannot open files in the “MPEG-2 Transport Stream” format.




Hi Rod,

If I understand correctly then you are effectively saying that your attempts to use Jaksta Media Recorder as a media player are unsuccessful. If that is the case, then that is not unusual or unexpected. 

Jaksta does not have any playback ability itself, and trying to open a video file with Jaksta as the application will result in an error notification. Jaksta will always opt to open a usable media player such as VLC or Quicktime when a file is selected to play from the internal library list. Both of these instances are normal and fits with what you experienced. 

As for the issue you have of the Play and Send to iTunes buttons being greyed out, there are a couple of things you can try. First try renaming the file from the Jaksta library list by double clicking on the name text-section and then altering it in any way (just add a character or do a backspace even). Sometimes that will enable the buttons to start working.

If it that does not work then I would suggest doing a full reinstall. If there is a break in the programs processes then this should reset them.

What you will need to do is delete the app (uninstall) from Applications instead of just reinstalling over it. Then in Finder go to the top menu and then access Go > (holding one of shift/alt/control/command) Library > Application Support > Jaksta Media Recorder and delete that folder (NOTE: doing this will erase your library file list in Jaksta, but your downloaded/converted files will remain intact in their destination folders). Reboot the Mac and then do a reinstall of the latest beta version (https://download.shedworx.com/jaksta/beta/2.2.6_288/JakstaMediaRecorder.pkg) and it will generate a new copy of the deleted folder and the application files.

When you run Jaksta again you will likely notification in the top-right of the screen asking if you want to give Jaksta access to various devices and applications. Say 'Yes' to all of them and it should be properly configured to send to the new TV and Music apps that replaced iTunes.

Let me know if you continue to have any problems.



Jaksta Support


I understand that Jaksta has no built in playback capability, and I am OK with that, but I do like the ability to see all of the recorded files and invoke third party playback from the Jaksta application.  Of course the ability to record is the primary requirement.  I tried renaming the file did not work, so I deleted the program and reinstalled per your instructions, and the PLAY & SEND TO iTUNES buttons are now active for new recordings, but the entire list of previous recordings are now gone.  Is there a way of repopulating these in the list?



Hi Rod,

Glad to hear you have had some partial success.

Unfortunately there is no way to repopulate the download library list in Jaksta after the full-reinstall process is carried out, as it involves wiping the file that builds the list.

I hope it wasn't an extensive list that you lost.

Please let me know if you have any other queries that you need help with.



Jaksta Support

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