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Chaturbate file names

Until recently, the recordings and filenames would share the name of the chat room. For instance "Chat with NameOfPerson in a ....". Now it only gets a generic filename, like "Chaturbate - Free ...", and all the different streams from different rooms get the same filename. I have been using MacOS Sierra and Safari 11.1.2. Since the change happened, I have explored many different combinations of OS and browser, but they all seem to do the same generic naming. Is there any way to get the individualized naming back?

2 people have this problem
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Hi Kukae,

We are currently experiencing general download issues with Chaturbate which we are investigating. This naming issue may be apart of it and hopefully we will find out and potentially resolve it during our development.

If you would like to assist us with the investigation process you could help us by providing a clean log file.

To get a clean log, you will need to do the following:

- Open Jaksta Media Recorder

- Go to Preferences > General > Find Log File

- Close JMR but keep the Finder window with the log file open

- Delete the log file and still keep the Finder window open

- Reopen JMR (this will generate a new log file)

- Run one test on the problem site/stream

- Close JMR once it fails and/or the error is reproduced

- Go back to the Finder window with the new log file and attach it here (don't copy and paste the code in it - send the file itself)



Jaksta Support

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