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Jaksta problem on new iOS Catalina

I just downloaded and installed the new Catalina operating system on my Macbook Pro (2015 model).  Now I can't find it anywhere!!  I tried reinstalling from the most recent info from you back in about 2017, but it seems not to be installing...or if it does reinstall I can't find it anywhere on my Macbook.

I love using Jaksta for video and music capture.

Can you please instruct me as to the solution?


jim wood

Hi Jim,

Apologies for the delayed reply.

Can you please download and install our latest beta and see if that helps with your issues?

You can download the installer here - https://download.shedworx.com/jaksta/beta/2.2.6_288/JakstaMediaRecorder.pkg

Please let me know if the problem continues.



Jaksta Support

Hi there, I'm having problems with Jaksta and Apple Catalina too. 

I'm getting this message:

“JakstaMediaRecorder.pkg” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.

This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information.

Chrome downloaded this file today at 14:37 from download.shedworx.com.

Hi all,

This security notice can be cleared and resolved by going to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General and click 'Open Anyway' (see below).

Please let me know if you encounter any other installation issues.



Jaksta Support

Great, Liam. It's working. Thanks. 


I followed your instructions and installed whatever it was from the link you sent.  No change.  Video capture is fine, but music capture requires a several step work-around I never used to have to do.  Songs used to go directly to the "Recently Added" iTunes folder, but this is not happening now.  I have to click on the song in the Jaksta list and then click on "Reveal in Finder"  From there I have to click on the song, copy it, and then paste it to the particular iTunes folder I want.  Again, this is a cobbled work-around I never had to do until after Catalina was installed. Is there any other fix?


Hi Jim,

When you say 'iTunes' do you mean the new 'Music' app that Apple made to replace it on MacOS Catalina?

Or do actually mean iTunes? Because if you do then the reason you would be experiencing issue is because it doesn't exist anymore, not because Jaksta has issues. However, the Jaksta beta has been updated to send audio and video files to the new Music and TV apps respectively in Catalina, so it should be doing that.

If you can help me nail down the specifics of your issue then I should be able to help and investigate further. In this case it is important to get the naming correct as does impact my/your understanding and interpretation.



Jaksta Support

Hi Liam, I can record but when I do I get the following message when I try and open the file to play it: 'The document “Drama on 3 - Fathers and Sons by Brian Friel - BBC Sounds.mp4” could not be opened. The file isn’t compatible with QuickTime Player.' How do I work around this?

Hi Azeem,

Can you right click on the download in the Jaksta library and select 'Show in Finder', and then look at the file itself and see if it has a file size. If it says it has 0 bytes or a very small amount, then that means the download has failed. If it has a size of anything that is a few megabytes or above, then that suggests that the file is good. You may then need to try playing it with a different media player  - VLC is normally a good option.

If it turns out the file was not downloaded properly, can you please send me a link to the stream so that I can test it myself?



Jaksta Support

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