Hi Paul,
Apologies for the lack of response. Can you tell me if this is still an issue for you?
I suspect this is an issue specific to your system, as I was able to successfully download and play that BBC stream.
I would recommend starting with a basic reinstall - uninstall (delete from Applications), reboot, reinstall. If there is a break in the programs processes then this should resolve it.
Make a point to have no speakers, bluetoooth audio devices (headphones, airpods etc.) connected to your Mac when you do any test downloads.
If the problem continues then can you please supply me with a clean log file.
To get a clean log, you will need to do the following:
- Open Jaksta Media Recorder
- Go to Preferences > General > Find Log File
- Close JMR but keep the Finder window with the log file open
- Delete the log file and still keep the Finder window open
- Reopen JMR (this will generate a new log file)
- Run one test on a standard video stream or site that you know gives an error/fails
- Close JMR once it fails or wait until it crashes
- Go back to the Finder window with the new log file and attach it here (don't copy and paste the code in it - send the file itself)
Jaksta Support
Paul Delaney
I have been completely unable to record audio using any Jaksta product. On an iMac running macOS Sierra Version 10.12.6, I'm trying to record audio from https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0007k9b. I get nothing using Jaksta Media Recorder version 2.2.5. I get nothing using Jaksta Music Recorder, version 2.2.5. If I use Jaksta Screen Recorder, version 2.2.5 in Window or Full Screen mode, I get a picture of the window I'm recording but no audio. Jaksta Music Minder version 1.3.9 won't even open anymore. So to record audio, what I've had to do is take out my iPhone, go to Voice Memos, and use the iPhone to record audio playing through my computer speakers. So nothing from Jaksta is working at all for BBC Audio. Do you have any suggestions?