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Conflict Jacksta VPN (ExpressVPN)


I recently changed VPN service (now I use Express VPN), and ever since I made the switch I am unable to download video content from www.raiplay.it

I would welcome any suggestion.

Thank you,


Hi Sal,

What are you experiencing exactly? Are there any written errors or notifications, or does the video just not play properly once downloaded?

And is there a particular reason that you need to use a VPN? If the content is not geo-restriced then there should be no need, unless you have your own privacy/security concerns.

I have not tested that site specifically as I am not a registered user, but the VPN that I use is called IPVanish and it has always been solid. 



Jaksta Support

Hi Liam,

When I open Jaksta AND ExpressVPV AND THEN my Safari browser, the internet connection goes down.

In rare cases I was able to maintain the connection and record the tv shows from raiplay.it (YES,it IS geo-restricted, in Italy, I am in Canada, for this reason I need a VPN).

The cases when I was able to record the shows have to do with the SEQUENCE (the right sequence was...first…VPN…second Jacksta…third browser). But recently NOTHING seems to work.

Thank you for any support you may be able to provide.

Salvatore D. Basile

Hi Sal,

Can you confirm that your internet connection is solid and you are able to successfully capture videos when ONLY Jaksta is running (no VPN)?

If you lose your connection in that scenario then it would mean that the source of the problem would be Jaksta and not a conflict with the VPN.

I would also suggest trying and testing a different browser besides Safari and then report back with any findings. Chrome would be the best bet. If that does not help, then trialing another VPN (such as IPVanish) would also be a good way to narrow down the cause.

Generally speaking, Jaksta is compatible with VPN's and can operate alongside them. However, Jaksta works by applying its own proxy settings as part of the capture method that it uses. VPN's also use proxies, so as you can imagine there might be conflicts. This used to cause problems, but we built a fix that addressed it and it has been alright ever since.



Jaksta Support

I'm having the same issue. Is there an update on this problem


Hi James,

I would need you to be more specific and provide more detail about the problem that you are experiencing.

As you can see from the post history, we never finished troubleshooting the issue and so there was no resolution to the original problem.



Jaksta Support


 I having the same problem that user alvatore Basile is having. When I'm using the same VPN and Jaksta Recording enable. I'm unable to capture video.



I’m using ExpressVpn. When I have both VPN and Jaksta recorder. I’m getting hit or miss on the capture. Most of the time, I’m unable to capture. 

New subject, I had a ticket open for trying capture music from Amazon, I was using Jaksta music app for Mac. I know I couldn’t use the regular stream, I had tried using capture mode. The capture never started.

Hi James,

Apologies for the delayed reply.

If you would like us to investigate the issue with ExpressVPN you can supply a clean log file for us to review.

To get a clean log, you will need to do the following:

- Open Jaksta Media Recorder

- Go to Preferences > General > Find Log File

- Close JMR but keep the Finder window with the log file open

- Delete the log file and still keep the Finder window open

- Reopen JMR (this will generate a new log file)

- Attempt to perform a normal stream cpature by navigating to a site in your browser

- Close JMR once the error present itself

- Go back to the Finder window with the new log file and attach it here (don't copy and paste the code in it - send the file itself)

If while doing the test the download is successful (as you said it is hit or miss), discard the downloaded file and start the process over. We only want a log from a test where the download failed and there was a problem.

Please also be aware that depending on how difficult it is to diagnose and resolve the issue, the simplest solution for everybody may be to just try a different VPN - I use IPVanish and it has never given me any problems.

Regarding the issue with the audio capturing in Jaksta Music Recorder, this is a partial copy of what I responded with in your original ticket (and is still relevant now):

All of the information you should need to set up and use Audio Capture Mode is in the User Guide - https://www.jaksta.com/support/mac/kb/user-guide-jaksta-music-recorder-for-mac-6000031390

One suggestion I can make is to have the Output Volume in System Preferences > Sound at a high level when you are doing a recording. Just make sure to turn it down once you stop the recording or your volume will be left on very high. Also, disconnect any other microphones or headphones you may have connected while you are doing recordings as they can interfere.

If you are still having problems please provide any helpful screenshots and a clean log file would also be a good idea. 

To get a clean log, you will need to do the following:

- Open Jaksta Music Recorder

- Go to Preferences > General > Find Log File

- Close JMR but keep the Finder window with the log file open

- Delete the log file and still keep the Finder window open

- Reopen JMR (this will generate a new log file)

- Run one audio capture test for a minute or so

- Close JMR once the process has failed or been completed

- Go back to the Finder window with the new log file and attach it here (don't copy and paste the code in it - send the file itself)



Jaksta Support

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