Hi Xavier,
I have increased the number of activations allowed for your license.
It should work when tried again.
Jaksta Support
After installing the new, beta versio (thank you for the link) I've trashed my old copy of Jaksta, and installed this new version. Rebooted and tried again.
No progres. It's impossible to activate any code, I still keep getting the message "Error contacting server".
Not only that, but when this useless copy of Jaksta is running it's impossible to quit it by normal means. I have to Force Quit.
Both of these problems have been going on for over a week now. I've lost count of the times I've trashed Jaksta and reinstalled it, with no success.
There's something very wrong about Jaksta.
I have Jaksta Media Recorder 2 for Mac.
This morning it would not launch properly: it was "hanging", with the spinning wheel.
I decided to trash it and reinstall it.
I then tried to activate it using the key I was given, but I was unable to do so. Tried several times and I now have the message "There has been too many attempts using this activation key"
Please advise.
Thank you !