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multiple streams at once on recorder

several times I have noticed that there was _or than none item on the recorder

on the screen stating that it was in the process of recording. I let one of  the other streams finish recording and I found that the recording was  travelogue  for London England.

 It should be interesting to note that while it was recording  the stream was co_ pletely silent and could not be gotten to provide sound until  shut down the recorder i

1 Comment

Using the Application recording mode will detect and record any audio stream from any of the monitored applications.  This is the audio stream the application makes, before it is sent to your computers audio subsystem.  It's your computers audio subsystem that descides if it will be played or not - ie the stream might be muted or volume turned down. 

You can see which application the stream is being produced by on the Properties form.  Select the recording item and then Menu -> Properties.  Look at the source field.


The monitored applications can be modified from their defaults by looking at Settings > Recording Settings > Apps button.


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