Lets get you upgraded first.
Can you describe the error your getting when trying to upgrade? Perhaps screenshot it and also zip up the log files in C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\Temp\Jaksta and attach back here.
Jaksta Music's application recording will detect and record any audio stream an application it is injected into opens. These audio streams are separate and not mixed. If you are opening tabs and chrome is opening another audio stream then JMR is doing what it is supposed to do and recording these. Just delete the ones you don't want or adjust the Settings > Recording Settings > Min Duration and they will be deleted automatically. This automatic deletion is good for things like ad's etc. Stereo Mix (What you hear) is meant to work exactly as you described - record everything that comes out your speakers.
If you are getting splitting occurring in a stream then you need to adjust the silence settings or switch off Splitting on silence. Again this is under Settings > Recording Settings. If you do get a split you dont want then you can combine files using the Combine menu option.
Once your upgraded we can look more closely at the above.
try to upgrde and needs a password ??
Jaksta Music Recorder can be downloaded from here
It does not require a password
Josh Warrick
#1: For several months now when launching Jaksta Music Recorder, I get a message that I need to upgrade, I go to the link to do so, download the .exe file, and then it fails to complete the upgrade, whether I try to uninstall and reinstall or not.
#2: I am unable to get anything to record using any browser besides Chrome and the reason I tried to use both IE and Opera is that at some point also in the last few months, my recordings on Chrome started including every single webpage I visit, AND splitting up an audio recording I have playing in one window while I am browsing in multiple tabs in an entirely separate window. So I end up with three or four different segments of one two hour recorded program, which is completely unacceptable. This was a great product totally suiting my needs up until a couple of months ago, but I am becoming increasingly irritated with it lately, having to rerecord things when not doing anything on my PC in order to get whole programs to record as one single file. This is all using the "apps" setting for recording since the "stereo mix" didn't sound nearly as good and would record everything else going on in addition to the music.