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trouble updating

When I try to update I get several error messages. If I ignore one another one pops up.



Jaksta Music is still running.  Ensure it is closed before trying to update.

1 person likes this

That was way too easy. Thanks,

Is there a reason while it's recording the Info is correct then when it tags it's completely wrong  or

sometimes the info is correct but it won't tag it the way I have it set up?

Doesn't happen all the time maybe 2-3 songs out of ten.

Settings on the Settings > Naming Rules tab control how the naming works.

Auto tagging uses an audio fingerprint of the recording and the online service we use has 38219443 fingerprints in it. 

Auto tagging occurs at the end of a recording.  When a recording starts, if you have not adjusted any of the naming rule settings, then the browser or applications producing the audio's window title is used.  This may or may not be the name of the song playing - depends on the website/application you are recording from.

You can see if auto tagging resulted in a fingerprint match by looking at the end of the recordings progress log.  Select the recording and press Alt-Enter to bring upm the recordings properties window.  The progress log tab is on there.  You can also rename the tags pretty quickly from this dialog as well using the Tag Editor tab.

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