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I did a lookup tags a file and the icon turnned red anf wont go away

why did this happen ??????????????????????????????

all the 0ther tagging icons went away except for this one

does red stand for distortion ??????????????????

A red x icon indicates for some form of error has occurred.  

You can see the progress log (which will show any errors) on the Progress Log tab of the Properties window for the entry.

Selecting the entry and then do one of the following to bring up the Properties window.

1. Alt-Enter key stroke

2. Right mouse click and select Properties from the context menu

3. Click main menu and select Properties

Thank You Ill Remember that for the next time it happens ----- I had to go on so I removed the file properties from the main screen and recorded another artist

It happened again so Iwent to the progress log like you said and copied everything except the actual recording progress logs (the repetitive ones)

and it appears that the output file somehow got acquired for use by another unspecified process

I have attached a file with the progress log notes

 thanks  for the  tip that led to this outcome


 also it appears you got the "M" problem solved and I can now use my arrow keys -------- -------- what was the proble_  ==== guess not they just now quit working


As per the error something else on the computer had a lock on the file so it couldn't be updated.  Could be your antivirus or perhap you were playing the file.

Your m problem and arrow keys are nothing to do with us.

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