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Stopped working

This is a follow-up to your previous request #1363 "RE: Welcome to Jaksta Media..."

This is a new problem. I am unable to sign up on your website because a vision problem prevents me from reading the text.

I had to shut off the computer manually when Jaksta Media Recorder was on standby. When I rebooted, I tried to open Jaksts Media Recorder Re3corder, but I get the message that Jaksta Media Recorder stopped working.

Your posting in a mac forum so the assumption is that you want mac support.  

You can download all our products from the downloads menu at the top of the page.

For help with Jaksta Media Recorder for Windows post to this forum http://support.jaksta.com/discussions/forums/6000186433

The URL you download was for Mac.  Please supply download URL for PC

Hi Jim,

Can you try reinstalling the latest version from here:


If you still get the same problem, can you send us the log file? Unfortunately it's harder to find if Jaksta is crashing on startup. You can find it here:

(your home area)/Library/Logs/Jaksta.log

The user Library folder will be hidden by default. To show the contents of it, click on the Go menu at the top of the screen and hold down the Alt key. Then select the Library item that appears. You should see a Finder window display the contents of the user Library folder.



Jaksta Support

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