I tried to email support directly and got an error message back saying the email address I sent to was "not found". And yet someone keeps putting out upgrades to JMR?
Their HQ is in Australia; does anyone local to them want to give them a call?
Still the same not working licence issue with this new version JMR-2023.5.19.4: I still get an invalid key licence.
They (Jaksta) definitlly change the existing licence contract with the introduction of the new 2023 version, resetting all working lincences and making them useless with these new 2023 version. It's unbelivable!
I asked Applian support if the had aquired Jaksta and if they intend to merge JMR with RMC at some point. This is their answer: "They have acquired Jaksta. At this time we are planning to keep the programs separate but the licensing will follow Applian licensing policies."
This means that any new version will require an upgrade license. This begins with the 2023 JMR release. I don't recall seeing an upgrade license for JMR, but the upgrade license for RMC is $15 if you owned a previous version.
As I suspected.
Terrible Customer care if the intention is for customers on 2022 to pay for a new licence. If indeed they are changing, this should have been communicated to customers and advised that as of x release we will be moving to a new model. Not just cutting us off when the download page itself says it should work for 2022 users.
Lack of communication is a massive disappointment and causes more issues with customers than a communication of the facts.
I agree if they change the license model they should make both versions available and not prompt each time you open the old app Bare minium they should provide a clear indication on the download page that you will not be able to license the new version withyour old license.
I have had another issue that has been open without response for over a month and they have not responded to this issue so I doubt I will re-license under the new model. It appears customer support no longer exists.
Jerome Stern
I have been using Jaksta Media Recorder for a long time now. I have just updated my Jaksta Media Recorder 2022 to the latest (2023.5.8.1), and my when I enter the activation key, I receive an error message "key is invalid". I have checked, and I have definitely entered the key details correctly.
I would be grateful for your assistance in activating the updated version.
Also, I now have three separate versions of Jaksta Media Recorder on my system (7, 2022 and 2023). Once I have properly activated JMR 2023, can I safely uninstall the previous versions without causing problems with JMR 2023?
3 people have this problem