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Please help me get Jaksta working properly again.

Jaksta no longer records sound from videos.  As soon as I press the "Smart Record" button,  the volume turns off.  Records video fine but NO audio.

1 Comment

Hi Kevin,

Please try the following:

  • Disconnect any additional speakers or headphones connected to the Mac, wired or cordless (bluetooth)
    • They can interfere and mess things up if left connected
  • Open System Preferences > Sound
  • Start a recording in JSR
  • In System Preferences > Sound > Output, the device should change from Internal Speakers to Soundflower (2ch) once a recording is started
    • The 'Output volume' slider down the bottom should be set to maximum while recording, so long as it's not uncomfortably loud your ears - raise it if not maxed already
  • In System Preferences > Sound > Input, the device should change from Internal Speakers to Soundflower (2ch) once a recording is started
    • The 'Input volume' slider in the middle should be set to maximum while recording, and can be left there
  • You should have audio at this point, both while during the recording and in the recorded file

NOTE: Once the recording is stopped the Output device should revert back to the Internal Speakers and the Input device should revert to the Internal Microphone, both of which will be set at their own independent volume levels on the slider.




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