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Screen Recorder for Mac on 10.15 Catalina

I skipped the Sunflower install on Catalina, but it seems like the screen recording doesn't work either.  Using any of the recording options, i get an error "AVScreenShack Alert... The operation could not be completed... An unknown error occurred ()2003329396)"

Hi Matthew,

Can you please try the following:

  • Open System Preferences and got to Security & Privacy > Privacy
  • Unlock the padlock in the bottom corner and enter your Mac password
  • Go down to the 'Screen Recording' category
  • Untick the checkbox for Jaksta Screen Recorder and then retick it 
    • If it is already unticked when you first look at it then just tick it ON
  • Go down to the 'Microphone' category
  • Untick the checkbox for Jaksta Screen Recorder and then retick it 
    • If it is already unticked when you first look at it then just tick it ON
  • Lock the padlock to confirm the changes

Please let me know if the problem continues.



Jaksta Support

Hurray, it worked, thanks!

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