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Charles Sciandra
started a topic 8 years ago
I've been unhappy with Screenflow 6.0 (5.0 was great). I've been looking for a replacment. I just purchased and tried Jaksta using my test workflow and, sorry to say, it doesn't perform as I need. I respectfully seek a refund. Please advise. Thank you. OSX Sierra
1 Comment
Ben Graham
said 8 years ago
Hi Charles,
I responded to your email on the same topic, I've refunded your purchase.
Charles Sciandra
I've been unhappy with Screenflow 6.0 (5.0 was great). I've been looking for a replacment. I just purchased and tried Jaksta using my test workflow and, sorry to say, it doesn't perform as I need. I respectfully seek a refund. Please advise. Thank you. OSX Sierra