Verify that the Lookup and tag music option is selected on the Settings tab > Naming Rules tab.
Our applications uses a song recognition database to determine the artist and title of each song. Every effort is made to make this database as complete as possible, but sometimes a song isn't yet listed and therefore wont be tagged.
The application needs to hear the entire song in order to identify the track. Please make sure that it can hear the entire song and that it is being played from a good clean source with ample silence broadcast between tracks.
Make sure you are using the best possible quality to record from. Many services play streaming audio at 64 Kbps or lower. 128 kbps quality (CD Quality) is recommended. Rhapsody, Napster and Yahoo Unlimited all stream at 128 Kbps.
Some PCs have sound "enhancements" which actually decrease the quality and recognition rate.
You can see what "enhancements" your sound card has by doing these steps:
Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, then choose Sounds and Audio Devices.
Click the Audio tab.
Under Sound Playback, click Volume.
From the menu, click Options, Properties, and make sure all selections are checked. Click OK.
Now, you'll be looking at all the sound card outputs. If you have any that looks like sound enhancements, like "3D Depth", "Bass Boost" or something similar, click the checkbox underneath them to Mute those effects.
- Close the Volume Control window.