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Cannot record Full Screen with Jaksta Media Recorder

I have been recording from UK TV Play App using Jaksta Media Recorder for Windows 10. It originally recorded it in Full Screen but recently has started recording approx 3/4 of the screen size. I record using the DVR Browser (Vivaldi) as it doesn't seem to work using the DVR Capture Method. Settings when output was full screen: Frame Width: 960 Frame Height: 540 Frame Rate 29.97 - Think used MP4 (same quality), Think 'Request Best Output Size' ON. I've tried the same settings & also changing various settings, including 'Request Best Output Size' OFF & insert 960 x 540 manually, but now I only get 3/4 output size of video. Please advise how I can record UK TV Play in Full Screen. Please reply ASAP.

If you hover over the Settings > DVR > Request best output size, you will see a tooltip that explains that the DVR can request that size from the site but the site determines the actual size.

Recording anything above 3/4 of your screen size is very performance intensive and can result in poor recording quality.  If you hover over the Request Output width or height the tooltip will give you more info.

Thanks for your reply but it doesn't make sense in this case. I tried out your Jaksta Media Recorder software in the free trial before buying. It recorded UK TV Play App in Full Screen (same quality as original) when I used the DVR Browser (Vivaldi) Method. That's why I purchased it. The first few times I used it after buying it continued to record UK TV Play in Full Screen. Then suddenly it changed to recording 3/4 of the screen. I've tried various settings but cannot find a way to get Full Screen again. Since it DID originally record UK TV Play in Full Screen only days before, it must be capable of doing it again.

When I hover over Request Best Output Size, it recommends 960 x 540 for my computer. I've tried inserting those figures manually in Output Width and Height but the output comes out different and only 3/4 screen. Also frames per second on MP4 seems to vary without me changing it. I have Video Codec set on Windows Media Video 9. 

PLEASE advise how I can return it to Full Screen recording, as it produced when purchased. It isn't even centre screen. I haven't noticed anyone else on here having this problem. I do not want to have to buy further software and spend more time having to manually crop every video I record on Jaksta Media Recorder. There must be a way as I did it before. PLEASE could you advise how. Your assistance would be much appreciated. 

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