Do you have a scheduled recording with At complete set to Quit Application? That is the only setting that could shutdown JMR.
If not could be crashing for some reason. Debug logs including msinfo32 export as per, might provide some answers.
Thank you for your prompt reply as usual!
I do not have the "scheduled recording with At complete set to Quit Application". Jaksta shuts randomly and is "trembling" when in happens with almost all the info in the Jaksta window disappearing. I debugged the msinfo32 as asked. Please see it in the attachment.
Thank you again!
What are you doing when this happens?
Auto mode on?
Audio Recording?
DVR Recording?
You are using a release preview of Windows 10 and are on version released on 23 May.
On 25 May, you started getting crashes of apps not just JMR, and WindowsWcpOtherFailure3 events which indicate windows installer issues. On the 31 May, a startup repair was launched, but crashes continue.
Id suggest your system may be corrupted.
You could either revert to the release channel, or could try and fix your system, starting with a sfc /scannow in an admin command prompt and see where that leads you.
1. I was recording the streams. Auto mode off.
2. I'll have to ask my computer guy to look into it.
Thank you very much!
Just a short question: if I ask my tech to fix the system, starting with a sfc /scannow in an admin command prompt, will he be able to see which exactly recording were crashed, that is which streams I was recording???
Thank you!
sfc is the windows file system check tool. It is for fixing windows not JMR.
If that finds and repairs some things then hopefully JMR and the other apps like Outlook and firefox that were crashing will start working again properly.
Thank you!!!!!!
The tech did what you suggested, and now Jaksta works well!!!
Thank you very much!!
Great to here.
I start having this weird problem of Jaksta frivolously shutting down by itself. Unpredictably and at odd intervals. I completely un/re installed the program. The problem still there. Any ideas and solutions???
Thank you.