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Install of 2022 version did not remove 7 version.

I installed the 2022 version of RMC.  Version 7 was left behind.  I had expected to have the 2022 installer to grab the settings from 7, uninstall 7, install 2022, migrate the settings, and I'd have just the 2022 version installed.  The installer should provide for settings migration AND allow the user to uninstall the old version(s).

Settings are migrated.  Version 7 and 2022 are different major versions. Any of our major versions can be installed at the same time.  Been that way since 2008.  There are very good reasons to continue that approach.

I found all my settings were missing after installing the 2022 version.  They were at the defaults.  However, it may have been my fault when cleaning up after JMR exits.  JMR (as did RMC which was a resell of JMR) left remnant files under the appdata (local and roaming) folders that my batch script (used to load JMR) would clean up.  I may have touched the following folder:


which is apparently where JMR saves its settings.  That's just a guess.  When I later went hunting for where JMR stores its settings, I found this folder, and it is near to where are the appdata folders that JMR uses (presumably for a resume function that I do NOT want).  Not sure that's what happened, but it might've happened.

I would still prefer an installer option to select "Install new version separately" and "Install new version, delete old version".  Well, using Add/Remove Programs works okay to remove the old versions, anyway.  Just wasn't expecting multiple concurrent installations. 

Been way too long (5 years ago) since I started with JMR 7 to remember what I did back then.  This was a new license, and JMR 7 was the first I started with, so no JMR 6, or earlier, from which to migrate.  I moved from Applian's Replay Media Capture 7 (a resell of JMR) due to poor support, went to Jaksta direct (bought a new license), and started with version 7 of JMR.  So, no history how Jaksta did their installs.

Thanks for the history update on how installs work with JMR.

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