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Chaturbate Monitoring corrupted

Hello Im back and got a new problem (kind of)

Im monitoring mainly on CB and most of the monitored download work fine and as intended.

But SOME are broken (like randomly) and I dont know why.

I have some recordings (i only talk about downloaded monitors here) that are on like 400-900 MB for 30 minutes (where i split) when this performer regularly would have 1,5 GB in 30 min. When observing the smaller file there are two version of problems: 1) Audio is fine but video stops for like 10 seconds then normal audio and video togehter for a bit and then video part stops again OR 2) the video randomly stops (video+audio) and i have one picture no sound for a few seconds and the video will go on on another frame (by this i mean its not paused) there is something missing.

And the other version of problems i have is even weirder to me: The video plays normal when watching and is in MP4 like all my recordings but when i try to edit it (means cutting some parts out) it reacts very slow - normally jaksta recorded videos react very fast and smooth while going pretty fast through a video when cutting it in smaller files. Also these kind of "weird" videos are not tagged by time and date (what would be normal in my settings) : there is a naming rule applied instead, directly naming the performer AND in windows explorer (where the videos are saved) these videos are obviously in the same folder as the "right recorded" ones but the "weird" videos dont show their video length. i already tried to just convert them VIA jaksta converter (from mp4 to mp4) and hoped they would be fixed - but no ( so you get my point here, they can be watched in VLC player pretty normal but everything else is not right with these videos)

These are 2 problems, dont konw if its chaturbate exclusive but since i focus on this site now and the mistakes seem to occur randomly i dont know what to do.

I really hope you can help me - tell what could be the problem and we can find a solution to fix at least the fully BROKEN videos and maybe also a solution for these described "weird" recordings.

Thanks and greetings

If JMR doesnt get any data from the live stream for what ever reason, then there will be gaps in the recording.  This could be because of yours or the performers internet or something to do with chaturbate.  Audio and video are streamed separately so you could get breaks in both or one or the other depending upon the issue.  If you have multiple recordings happening at the same time, this could be contributing.

I would need to see logs and an example of your recording that is difficult to edit, guessing though it is a different codec or something to the ones your editing software processes quicker.


Hey again, so i got some logs where both should be in it. Recordings where the audio is ok but the Video is broken (I don’t know how to track in logs but maybe the given data is enough to expose them to maybe see what happened wrong) – and also some of these that are difficult to edit (there is just the performers name instead of the regularly time-date tagging I implemented to save the videos.


I have some Videos, shortened to around 20 MB each where some show working normal and from same performer broken examples. Is there a simple way I could send you / upload or whatever so you could look into those cases and see what and the problem is and maybe how to change/ work around?


I try to bring the logs in this post, but I m not sure if it works, I tried before and while writing the comments I can see log file attached but when finishing they vanish…


p.s. I also had a third log (8 MB size) but it says its to much to attach to the posting


Could you see the two logs i attached, it's been a while, would like to know if you work on it so we could maybe solve this problem. Thanks

Why this gets ignored? I just asked for some help and now nomore interactions. I would really like to know how to solve this since its still occuring

will get to having a look at it soon ...

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