Vimeo can be captured using the extraction engine. Enter the Vimeo url into the "Enter (or Drag and Drop) the URL of a video page to download" and press enter. See image below.
it does not work for vimeo videos which are embedded in a website.
not even when grabbing the direct vimeo video link from the source code of the page.
getting error:
Because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here.
Whats the direct vimeo link? Vimeo works fine here.
ich you read this timely you can try it. those videos are available usually 24h
embedded vimeo player on there
this is from above page's source;
<div class="od_showreel_video7">
<center><iframe src="" width="800" height="450" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>
<div class="od_showreel_social_icons7">
I have the latest version for Windows according to the update checker and neither Auto or DVR will record anything on a Vimeo feed I have. The best I get it is 'connecting' on DVR, but nothing happens.
Any suggestions?