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recording vkontakte.ru


Hi, just wanted to ask how to record videos from vkontakte.ru. I read that Jaksta is capable of doping that. I don't know if I should adjust Jaksta this or that way. When I simply (as suggested) drag or copy the URL into the slot, the result I get is: complete with errors, and nothing is recorded. Please help, if you can.

Thanks a million.

Otherwise the recorder works well, stops responding seldom ... but still does :)



In Jaksta Media Recorder, Just switch the AUTO button to on and then visit the vk.com page hosting the video and start playing it.

The video will then be detected and downloaded.  There is no requirement to continue watching the video in the browser.


Thank you very much for your answer. The things are not so simple, though. Somehow indeed I was able to record SOME videos, but I had to copy the URL, paste it in the slot and push the "download" arrow. Only then the recording would start.  Others, though, like this one https://vk.com/dfilm?z=video325348094_171420597%2F240c716b17edcbff50, would not record. I would get the message "0 bytes"  ... complete (errors).... I know that one should change https to http ... but it doesn't help either in this case :(...
Any idea for help?
Thanks again for you usual prompt answers... appreciated a lot!!!!


As i said just switch on the auto button and then visit the page and start playing it.  The video will be automatically detected and downloaded.  Here is an image of it downloading ....

Thanks a lot. It DOES work, though it was not before though I was doing what you said. :):):)
Can't understand why....
Anyway, I'm very grateful to you again.


Chaser - I guess I know what the problem was: I deleted all MP4 options (stupid!). Now when I reinstalled Jaksta to uncheck (as you suggested in the Forum) "Register as Torrent client", everything is A+!
Thanks again.


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