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Not Recoding anymore

We have been using JAKsta for weeks and it was  great and working working fine with no problems.

Then all of a sudden it won't record videos from a certain site anymore,(livebasket.tv) it won't even pick up the feed, it still works for youtube but will no longer capture videos from the site.

I am not sure why it stopped, I do not believe I changed any settings. I tried using both chrome and explorer (working on PC) but to no solution. When the problem originally started I restarted the computer and that worked but only once and have since tried with multiple failed attempts.

I have the same problem... almost... jaksta stops recording after 5 min.... before it worked very well


livebasket.tv?  does not exist.

Sites do change all the time, so tell us what the actual site is and provide your debug logs and we will look into see if its just a setting change or if its something we can support.

also I do not have a get support Tab t send the debugs, all I have is File, Library, view and help at the top

Sounds like your using an old version of JMR.  

Please upgrade to JMR 6 as that is the version we support.  Its a free upgrade. Contact billing support via jaksta.com/support if you have an issue with your license automatically upgrading.

livebasketball.tv looks like a pay site.  If the recent changes to their site also affected JMR6, you will need to provide your login credentials so I can see whats they are doing.  If your willing to do that - Dont post them here. Just let me know and Ill email you directly to get them.


Ok I sent the Debugs.

I have tried different servers by putting in direct websites links from chrome and explorer directly into JAKsta but still does not seem to work.

Logs are not attached to your forum post.

Please follow these instructions when trying to capture from livebasketball.tv in Auto mode.


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