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No video captured on CB

1. CB and MFC wont record using ( AUTO )

2. When I use Digital Recorder - I have no video on CB ( sound Ok )

   Can you explain settings required to capture CB ...? ( without using digital recorder )

Upgraded to Windows 10 Pro ( x64 ) yesterday.

I had Win7 x64 and version and "Monitor" would capture




.. automatically and instantly.

( the monitor would actually sense a stream and wait for it to start )

And multiple streams could be actively waiting for streaming to start.

But now after upgrading windows 10 Pro ...

No 'sensing' of video on webpage ...

LJ captures instantly but only One stream at a time.

( any active streams have to complete first )

MFC only captures only in digital recorder now ( after waiting about 2 to 4 minutes to connect )

( same with CB - but no video captured )

Is Win10 responsible for these drastic changes ...
... or is the problem with Jaksta version 6?

I'm wondering if I should re-install W7 - I have so many programs not working properly now.

1 person has this problem

LiveJasmin capture not working at all now in AUTO


Used to simply mouse over a a performer and a stream would start.

And, actual chat room not captured now either.

W10 Pro x64.

Firefox 40.0.2


I would like to add that I had the current WinPcap 4.1.3 installed already on my W7 x64 that carried over to win10 pro.
After installation of Jaksta 6, it did not find WinPcap , so I tried to re-install.
The WinPcap installer said I had it was already installed.
And, when I re-ran the install it had 2 file access errors, that I had to "SKIP".

I'm now going to completely un-install WinPcap now.
Then, re-install.



Still not working.


More issues with MFC
Just tested again.

1. Takes 11 seconds to "connect' using video recorder.
2. Collected 1 minute of capture, then manually stopped by me.
3. Jaksta freezes my computer while processing for a few seconds.
4. The recorded video only has 3 seconds.

5 Chaturbate recorded with digital recorder only has audio.

6. "Old format" webpage of live Jasmin using digital recorder uses "new format" video with flash sidebars


Here is my Logfile from LJ.

AUTO does not work unless I logged in.
( something I forgot to try after reading other topics )

So you will see that the 'mouse over' streams dont capture and chat rooms dont capture until I logged in as member.

( JustCandy is a mouseover - MayaSinn is a open chat room after I logged in )
I cant remember the other mouseovers or chat rooms I opened as guest.


This logfile is MFC as guest.
It took 1:20 to 'connect'.
I manually canceled at a duration of 1:02.
Jaksta was 'not responding' for over a minute as the secondary process was started making the AVI file. ( 258mb of memory used in 2nd process and 78 percent of possessor utilization on a 4 core 3200mhz AMD chip. )
The FLV file was smooth until around 20 seconds into the 56 second video.
The AVI was choppy and MPC-HC had a popup that occurs when files are not sequenced properly. ( AVI chunk viewer )


Logfile from CB this time.
No AUTO captured ( same as other tests )
Only a couple seconds to 'connect' using Digital recorder.
1st stream stopped unexpectedly after 32 seconds ( when I closed my clock on desktop )
2nd stream manually stopped at a duration of 1:26.
Both FLV and AVI files have no video.
( audio ok )
No issues with 2nd process ( although no video was captured )


If these issues are occurring on your tests also, maybe I should ask for a refund ?


I really cant follow your postings - works, doesnt, then does again and then your trying to use the DVR recorder for a live stream which is not what it is intended for so dont use that. Its for premium tv/movie sites like those listed on the opening home page of the DVR browser. 

Its best to post one issue and wait for a response.

Lets start from the beginning as these cam sites all capture fine in v6 on windows 10 just like they did in v5.  

You said that your upgrade to Windows 10 stuffed your  winpcap install.  Is that now installed correctly and do you have the correct network interface selected in the settings?  

Start with one site please - chaterbate as that is the topic of your thread - and provide debug logs when you try and capture a cam.

Hi, thanks for your prompt reply.

In each of the logfile I listed above started in AUTO download mode.
None of the 3 sites initiated a capture in guest mode.

I waited about a minute in each case for the AUTO to start, but they did not capture anything.
In the previous topics I read here, it is mentioned that everything is logged. Ok, I will make a new logfile of just CB.

I will wait 5 minutes to AUTO to start a capture.
The 1st logfile will be as guest.
The 2nd logfile will be as member.
I forgot my setting screenshots.


WinPcap 4.1.3




Your logs show that there was already an rtmp connection when you switched on auto mode.

If your already watching a cam and want to record then you will need to reload the cam in your browser so that JMR picks up the start of the rtmp connection sequence.  Holding the shift key down whilst clicking the reload button can also help to clear out any cached connection.  This applies to v5 and v6.

 Thats not possible.

FireFox was closed and Jaksta was not running before I started Jaksta with Debug.

1. I have rebooted
2. Started Jaksta

3. flipped the debug buton
3. Opened FF
4. Opened bookmark CB.
5. Selected the 1st cam on page.

In BOTH logfiles posted

Ok, one more time.

Following the sequence I just listed.

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